Hey Y'all,
Yesterday afternoon I was painting my garage as if I didn't have one hundred other things to do. I heard the school bus pull up and my 14 year old neighbor, Savannah yell "have a great summer!" to the driver. As she came by my house she was singing and dancing what my dad would call a jig. When she saw me she stopped and looked a little sheepish. I said, "Is it over?" A huge smile came over her face and she said YES!!! And off she went dancing her way into the joys of summer.

The Salmon Scoop
Last week I wrote about the life cycle of the wild salmon and this week I thought you might like to know a little info on the different species of salmon you will see in my markets. Three are wild caught Pacific salmon and one is farm raised Atlantic salmon.

The largest and least abundant of the salmons is the Chinook salmon, named after a native tribe along the Columbia River. We know them as king salmon because they can grow to be huge! Many think the Chinook is the very best tasting salmon; there is a reason why they call it king! The meaty fish has a pure buttery flavor and ample fat and cooks beautifully over a charcoal fire.