Friday, May 21, 2021

Copper River, Sodium Levels, and Golden Tile


Hey Y'all,

What a great time at Johns Creek last Saturday celebrating a decade of fish selling!! I loved catching up with so many customers that I have known for 10 years! I'm surprised at how sentimental I got seeing all my old friends - after all, it's just work, right?
psst. lobster rolls might be in next week.
Fin Mail aka Tooting My Fishy Horn
Ellyn F. - Congratulations on ten years! We've been fans and customers in all of your locations but mainly Milton during that time. 

I was also so pleased to see your crabmeat in a Garnish and Gather package I was preparing at my daughter-in-law's home! 

Why I like you all: CONSISTENTLY excellent products at a fair price; nice people at all levels of the business although we especially love Sara; as a businesswoman I like supporting other businesswomen. 

Here's to the next 10! 
Your fan, Ellyn

Jalpa V. - Congratulations on 10 years. You know what? That means 10 years for me eating fish! The first fish I ever tried was dover sole sold to me by you. As they say, the rest is history :)
psssts. lobster rolls might be in next week.

What! You are out?
One of my employees took a scolding last week because we did not have our special (walleye) in the store one day. I wanted to explain to him and to everyone else that we do our best to get our specials fully stocked in the stores but we are at the mercy of so many things such as weather, truck schedules, airline schedules, Covid staffing problems, lunar cycles and competition with other stores and restaurants for the same fish. We do a pretty good job of this, considering that we are small and insignificant in the world of seafood retailing, but sometimes the stars just don't line up right and we are out for a day or two.

We always have something tasty in our cases, though, so don't worry. You won't go hungry.
pssst lobster rolls might be in next week.

Copper River Salmon
Copper River officially opened on 05/17! I'm especially excited because I get to tell my favorite fish story, the wild salmon saga, to our new Brookhaven customers! It is a tale of determined survival, instinct, strength and a lot of heavy eating. Wild salmon start life as little eggs in a fresh water stream. If they manage to avoid predators, they spend the first year or so after hatching swimming around and eating a lot to prepare to swim downstream to the ocean. Depending on the species, salmon will spend between one and seven years swimming in the Pacific ocean. The Big Three (king, sockeye and coho) spend the longest time out there eating and swimming, building fat and muscle. When they are finally big and strong enough to make it home (how do they know how big they need to be?), they head back to their fresh water river (how do they know where to go?) to swim home to spawn.

The Copper River is over 300 miles long from the Prince William Sound watershed to the spawning pools.  Not only is the river long, but "the water itself is something else—this is a wild, gushing river of icy glacial runoff from the imposing Chugach and St. Elias Wrangell Mountains."

Making it back to the spawning grounds requires a lot of muscle. And since the salmon don't eat again after they enter the freshwater of the river, they have to have a lot of stored fat to supply the energy needed to make it home. These big, strong, fat fish are the best food in the world and they are caught just as they enter the mouths of the river.

Fishing at the Copper River watershed is closely monitored to make sure that plenty of fish make it through to the spawning grounds so that future generations of fish will be making their way through this same process.

We are still taking pre-orders for Copper River Salmon and even though prices will be high, we hope to get you the fish by next weekend. Call up your local market and get on the list! You might have this amazing fish just in time for Memorial Day Weekend.
psst. lobster rolls might be in next week.

Sodium Levels in Your Fish
Are you watching your sodium levels? Well, we've got some great news - you can still enjoy your favorite seafood! Fish like salmon, cod, halibut, tuna, flounder and snapper are naturally low in sodium, providing about 40 to 80 mg of sodium per serving. While shellfish naturally contain higher amounts, they are still relatively low in sodium and typically provide fewer than 250 mg per serving – less than the amount of sodium you’ll find in two pieces of bacon. It’s also important to remember that seafood provides a ton of healthy nutrients, such as protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D and B and selenium, all important nutrients needed to keep you going strong!

Here are the true sodium levels in our biggest sellers uncooked:
Tuna 6 oz. - 39 mg
Chilean Sea Bass 5 oz. - 56 mg
Salmon 4 oz. - 67 mg
Memorial Day Weekend
It is going to be a big weekend at all the Catch locations next weekend. If you're needing anything special, call ahead to get your special orders placed. We are open all weekend normal hours!

psst lobster rolls might be in next week.
Special This Week
(Until 05/27)

Golden Tilefish Fillet - $24.99/lb

Great recipes for this weekend:

Mercato Delivery Coupons
Short on time but know what you need? Shop with us via Mercato! You can have fresh fish delivered right to your door or schedule a pickup. Right now through 05/31 for first time orderers, you can get $10 off your order of $35 by using the below code.
Catch-To-Go This Week
Hake with baby red potatoes, green beans and creamy lemon sauce.
Next week's Catch to Go is Catch BBQ Salmon with country potato salad.
psst lobster rolls might be in next week

And Finally
There's a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Employees (including me!) who are not wearing masks in the store are now fully vaccinated. And if you are vaccinated, you don't need yours either. This got me thinking about the end of the pandemic and what is different about me now then a year ago.

We suffered a bit of anxiety last week as we were dealing with gas shortages. People were hoarding and staying at home. Schedules were being rearranged and people were working together to get shopping done and errands run. It felt a lot like Spring 2020.

I realize now that I took the gas shortage in stride - I didn't lose a minute of sleep because now I know how to handle unexpected change. I knew I would have to make some adjustments and I called on some creative juices to keep my stores and my life running. No problem because I HAVE DONE THIS BEFORE! I have experience in dealing with the unknown. I managed it then and I will manage it now. Thanks to the pandemic I am stronger, more organized and less fearful. I got this!

I hope you do too.


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